by Wayne T. Dowdy
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I began this blog before learning my WorkKeys scores today (08/15/17), which I will cover in conclusion. I had written, “I’m sending this one out sooner than anticipated, before I received my WorkKeys scores that I hoped to write about. World events demand a response before my scheduled blog, straight from the pen, my pen: Well, actually, straight from the Corrlinks’ keyboard (it’s not my keyboard, I pay to use it to type). Don’t expect political correctness from me on this stage, even though I will stay within respectful boundaries, this one comes uncut.”
Rodney King said it right during the Riots of L.A. several years ago: “Why can’t we all just get along?” The last few days have been dominated with the drama that went on in Charlottesville, VA, which resulted in the deaths of three people and the injury of several others. The violence erupted during events that began the night before a scheduled protest on August 12, 2017, about the removal of a Confederate era statue: General Robert E. Lee.
During the protest, one man ran his car through a crowd and killed one woman. In comparison to a similar event in France, he committed an act of terrorism, the same as an Islamic extremist did when he ran a truck into a crowd of men, women, and children.
Evil is colorblind. Read my blog, “Love and Evil Are Color-Blind” for more along those lines that I wrote in response to the massacre of nine innocent people at a church in Charleston, SC, by a young man who waved a Confederate flag before committing such an atrocious act.
BUM RAPS: I feel many of the participants in the events at Charlottesville were mislabeled as White Nationalist and White Supremacist. Perhaps some are like me and don’t like anyone erasing history. I believe the same thing happened with the Marxist in Russia or during one of their revolutionary movements.
08/15/17: After an investigation, President Trump acknowledged the same on national television (not all participants at the Charlottesville incident were White Supremacist or White Nationalist), and that some were just there to protest taking down the statue. Common sense demands that conclusion. Of course, not everyone has common sense, others are incapable of thinking from a rational perspective about a high-emotion event.
I do not know who started the violence and do not express any views on Charlottesville.
After President Trump spoke out about the event, he came under fire because he didn’t say what the media wanted. His finding that there were wrongs on both sides did not go well. He also spoke on the removal of statues and monuments and came under fire for that, even though President Obama also expressed the same view. Those statues are part of American History and represent the ancestors of Americans.
I express my views on the historical aspect of the American Civil War (or War Between the States), in “Southern Pride-Waving a Confederate Flag” (07/06/15), and in “Mothers and Memorial Days” (05/11/17); It’s not about the flag. It’s about the news media and certain government officials telling lies that the reason behind the Civil War was to free the slaves, a lie used for political purposes to shape public opinion and to support personal agendas.
Most people are too lazy to investigate to learn the truth, and allow the news media to control shape their opinion. I lay out the facts in my blogs about the men who died fighting behind the Confederate Flag.
ALL LIVES MATTER: I do not support the violence and the harming of people. But I do not like it when members of the white race do something and the news media labels them as racist, white supremacists and many other things, when if people of a different ethnic background does the same thing, nothing negative would be said; the group may be praised, even when deaths occur as a result (e.g. Black Lives Matter).
Why can’t all lives matter? NO ONE should be persecuted or harmed because of their skin tone or religious belief.
I do understand racial profiling and was appalled last year to see the cops in Louisiana murder the black man that five cops held on the ground, when one of them pulled his gun and fired into the man’s rib cage. That warranted a protest and prosecution of the cop who fired the rounds. He murdered the man, period.
In retaliation for the murder of the Louisiana man, in my opinion, when another man ambushed other cops, the murder of the innocent cops was unwarranted. I understand why it happened, but I don’t feel it’s right to punish others for the deeds of others.
We, as a society, need the police; we don’t need rouge cops running around and killing people at the slightest provocation.
WET: What if television producers came up with White Entertainment Television (WET)? What is the difference in that and Black Entertainment Television (and for the record, I have watched many movies and events on BET throughout the years, including Black Girls Rock).
What about creating MET (Mexican Entertainment Television)? Would that be racial? I’d look at it too, even though I do not understand much Spanish. The two Spanish television stations I’ve seen do show beautiful women. I wouldn’t have to understand a word coming from their mouths to enjoy the experience. 😉
DIFFERENT FRIENDS: To set the record straight, I have a variety of friends: some are black and white separatist, white supremacist; some are Muslim, some are Christian; some are Black, some are Hispanic, some are Native Americans, and some belong to gangs. I do not discriminate.
One friend in particular is a Black Separatist, of whom frowns on my attraction to women of different ethnic backgrounds; especially, Black women.
To me, if a woman is pretty, she is pretty. I don’t care about the color of her skin, eyes or hair; or from where she comes, whether that is from the North, South, East, West, Middle East, Far East, American-made, or Mars. The particulars do not matter. I see people as God made them. I go beyond external factors to see the real beauty within everyone.
He, the black separatist, like his white counterparts, just don’t believe in interracial breeding. That’s OK. My belief is that things will turn out the way God has planned and that “we,” as humans, cannot change the inevitable.
Another friend is a White Separatist; the two separatist-friends work side-by-side and openly joke about the difference in beliefs. And even though their beliefs differ, they support each other and show concern if any adverse event occurs, like a health issue or prison drama involving the other. They’re friends.
I have another friend who is an African-American gangbanger. He was unaware that I was near when he chastised a peer for using the term “cracker” to describe a white person.
“We’ve got to change,” he said. “We don’t want people calling us nigger and we shouldn’t call other people racial names.”
My respect for him grew tenfold when I heard him take a stand for what was right. Going by the stereotypical view of gangbangers, because of his past affiliations, society would look down upon him: The same is true for my “Separatist Friends” who display exemplary characteristics that others need to adopt.
PRISON POLITICS: I fit in and get along with most everyone. In the prison hierarchy, as in totalitarian governments, it’s like George Orwell wrote in Animal Farm [1946]: “All Animals Are Equal But Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others.” Well, maybe not exactly the same, because government witnesses, informants, and sexually deviant prisoners; especially, child molesters, are not viewed equal.
I once sponsored an openly-gay, HIV positive, African-American. I sometimes walked the track with him. I did not feel comfortable doing so, but I knew I was doing God’s will, and so I did it regardless of how I felt.
This is my view on those who are different: it is better if I make myself available to do God’s will and help another person change his life, than it is for me to stay in my comfort zone, or to worry about public opinion. God judges. Not me.
If God uses me to help a person change, then maybe he will get out of prison and never commit another crime against another individual. If that person is a child molester, maybe my selfless-action will prevent another child from being victimized. That would be a wonderful thing!
NORTH KOREA & VENEZUELA: Years ago when that lunatic ruling North Korea threatened to turn the United States into a “Lake of Fire,” had I been in charge, I would have first given “his people” the option of removing him from power. If no one did so, even though I normally don’t believe in going into other countries to drop bombs, I would have had his little ass trying to put out a Big Fire. I’d sent so many bombs that the whole country would have dropped below sea level.
My opinion is that President Obama erred by not taking aggressive action against him. If he had been more stern, then perhaps the United States and its allies would not be having to deal with such BS right now.
President Trump promised swift retaliation against any further aggressive action by North Korea. To defuse the situation, China stepped in and publicly announced that it would side with North Korea if the U.S. was the aggressor, but if North Korea committed the aggressive act, they’d remain neutral. Great move!
I am glad Russia and China stepped in to help resolve the conflict before North Korea did something that caused fire and destruction throughout the region.
As for Venezuela, if the country asks for help from a tyrant causing havoc, then maybe it would be the right thing to step in and provide military support. Unfortunately, innocent people still die.
To go into another country for humanitarian motivation is one thing, but far too often, the true motivation of U.S., China, or Russian intervention, is based on the resources to be gathered during the process. If no natural resources exist, it is less likely that the major Super Powers will provide assistance, and that is a depressing truth!
On another note, to topple a government that robs and starves its people, would not be bad if it could be accomplished without killing innocent citizens. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all just get along and stop killing each other and the world in which we live? Hell, yeah!
WORKKEYS: I received GOLD CERTIFICATION (two Platinum Levels and one Gold). The quotes come from my ACT WorkKeys Official Skill Report:
Applied Mathematics: (I scored Level-6 in a 3 to 7 Level range.) “Individuals with Level 6 skills can set up and solve problems containing extraneous information or information presented out of logical order and involving multiple-step calculations on a mixture of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, or percentages.”
Locating Information: (I scored Level-5 in a 3 to 6 Level range.) “Individuals with Level 5 skills can correctly use complicated workplace graphics, such as complex forms and tables, multivariable graphs, and detailed diagrams, to compare trends and main points, and/or summarize information within a single graphic or across more than one graphic representing related information.”
Reading for Information: (I scored Level-7 in a 3 to 7 Level range.) “Individuals with Level 7 skills can apply concepts from densely detailed selections, such as excerpts from complex regulatory and legal documents, to new situations. They can understand difficult concepts and complex procedures containing jargon and technical terms whose definitions must be derived from context. Level 7 is the highest level measured by this test.”
To qualify for a National Career Readiness Certificate, a person must have at least a Level 3 in each category. Learn more about ACT WorkKeys Level Scores at
In sum, I brought home the Gold. I shall return to test again in my pursuit of Platinum Certification. Perhaps receiving it will help me show others how we can all get along and treat each other as equals, without having to resort to Uncivil Wars.
Wayne T. Dowdy writes at