Shopping at Walmart is a great place for me to make YouTube videos. Two of these three on @straightfromthepen did really well, but neither can compete with the first short I did on @WayneTDowdy, SHORT SHORTS IN WALMART
This is my answer to one of the comments received:
“Thanks for the comment. Because of the individual prices of the fruit and quantity one would have to purchase, he or she would actually need more money to buy the items necessary (grapes, strawberries, pineapple, cantaloupe, and apples).
“My point is that with so many Americans struggling with paying for the rising food costs, and Walmart ‘s gross profit margin rising each year ($147.57 BILLION reported 01/31/2023, which was an increase of 2.65 percent over 2022’s record $143.75 BILLION), rather than to prey off of their customers with inflated prices, sell food at a lower cost. Thanks again for the comment.” [See below for supporting data.]
This is the first Short video I did in response to the high prices in stores that many Americans are struggling to pay. I began getting more views with these type of posts beginning with this one:
Maybe this is the niche I need to pursue. Then again, maybe it will be one of the niches I use on my way to becoming a YouTube Star. Whatever the case may be, I am still searching for the video to make that will top the success of Short Shorts in Walmart.
Thanks for helping me achieve that dream by liking and subscribing to my YouTube channels.
Supporting Data Walmart Gross Yearly Profit
“Walmart’s 2021 gross yearly profit increased 7.3% from the previous year to $138.84 billion. In 2022, the company’s profits rose by 3.54% to hit $143.75 billion, while annual gross profit for the year ended January 31, 2023, was $147.57 billion, a 2.65% rise from 2022.” BusinessMarketAnalyst.com