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10:42 AM,
Charlotte International Airport
The turbines whined as the jet lowered its altitude to land. His heart pounded as he gazed out the window and saw how much things had changed since he had last seen the area. After the jet had landed and began to unload its passengers, all of the apprehension vanished when he saw his Mother, Nicole, Stan, Jasmine, and Wendy. At first, he wondered who the tall, grey-haired man was standing beside his Mother, but when he saw the camera crew off to the side, he realized Senator Johnson had come to greet him, along with his media friends, of course. Everyone began waving their arms. There is a God, he thought, as he trotted down the concourse to meet them, free at last.
I wrote the above paragraph to conclude Unknown Innocence while sitting in a prison cell, and revising as I typed on an AlphaSmart tablet in the law library at a federal institution. Read the following link to another blog I wrote years ago to see examples of my work as I fought for my Right to Write, another story within itself.