I am grateful for what I have but am sad because I don’t have more to give others in need.
Tag: gratitude
YouTube Growth by Wayne T. Dowdy
Miracle Do Happen
YouTube Interview with Wayne T. Dowdy
Effects of Incarceration Interview with Begum K., Part I When Ms. Begum K. first contacted me on my Quora.com Space, Life Inside and Out, because she needed participants for an interview on the effects of incarceration to use when writing a paper for her Psychology class, I was hesitant. After several days of thought and…
Happy New Year 2023
Happy New Year! And we made it through another one, and for that I am grateful. May 2023 be one of the best new years experienced in our lives. The last few have certainly had their challenges but most of us survived and have lived to fight another day. Go with God Speed into a…