Federal Prisoner Needs Help Because He Cannot Do It Alone
As a former federal prisoner in the United States Federal Bureau of Prisons (1988-2018), and a successful returning citizen, who had also served prison sentences in the Georgia Department of Corrections during the seventies and eighties, I appreciate that a federal prisoner needs help to change the prison system, or anyone else who takes action to create a positive change in the failed criminal justice system in the United States of America or abroad.
And not just federal prisoners, because what goes on in the state prison systems are equally as important for the good of humanity. If we, as a society, treat those incarcerated as if they are animals, if they come out of prison and act like animals, we must share responsibility if we did not provide them with what we could to help create a positive change.
Joseph R. Mays, who was in the United States Marine Corps (1982-1990), prior to his current status as a federal prisoner, or if you want to be politically correct, as I do not, is a federal inmate who sent out the message to me and others through Corrlinks.com.
Corrlinks.com Is Not Free for Federal Prisoners
Corrlinks is a messaging system prisoners pay to use to communicate with those outside the prison walls. I used to spend over one hundred dollars per month while sending out correspondence to family and friends, and my publisher at Midnight Express Books for editing my book manuscripts and providing content for StraigthfromthePen.com (she built the original website for me before my release 08/28/2018).
I wrote the above paragraph to help readers understand that what he submitted for publication was not free (I’m providing a free service to him for a worthy cause). And if someone wants to donate funds to him, it may be done by visiting www.bop.gov, and using his name or federal identification number found at the end of this blog to locate him and then follow the process on the website to mail or wire funds to his prison account.
Mr. Mays used his personal funds to type out this and other content that he sent out to me. Federal prisoners do get paid for work; however, the pay system sucks! For evidence of that, read this blog to see a copy of one of my previous paystubs from the Federal Prison Industries, Inc. (UNICOR): https://straightfromthepen.com/about-your-host/
Mr. Mays Fights for Change!
Subject: Media/Publicity Resource for Inmates – 09/06/2024
Attention All:
Hello, I hope that all of you are doing well today and that your families and friends are doing well, too.
I am writing to you today to deliver another valuable tool/resource that we can use to make the public aware of what is REALLY going on behind prison walls. Things like fellow inmates injured and dying because of INADEQUATE medical care, being assaulted physically, sexually, and mentally by correctional officers, being retaliated against for reporting these conditions of confinements. We even have a person (Hawaiian inmate) here who had his prosthetic leg broken by FBOP staff in June 2023 and they STILL HAVE NOT replaced it for him yet; FOURTEEN MONTHS LATER.
There is also the failure of the prison system to provide programs/classes the government says we need BUT WON’T PROVIDE or TAKE TOO LONG TO PROVIDE, like Victim Impact, which, if done effectively, can help reduce crime on the outside in society. Victim impact can show offenders/people HOW their actions NEGATIVELY impact people in their communities and even themselves (e.g., loss of services, higher prices due to break-ins, etc.).
As to the failure to provide classes and programs, this is indicative of the LACK OF STAFF to man the prisons and unjustified lockdowns, like the one we went through yesterday and a couple of weeks ago, because (a) staff member(s) died AT HOME or OFF THE JOB, which I am sympathetic to, but they SHUT DOWN the ENTIRE FCI Victorville II and denied us access to recreation, the electronic law library, and religious services.
Those are things they should be doing in THEIR OWN PERSONAL TIME; NOT OFFICIAL FBOP TIME. There is a week dedicated to fallen officers in April, which needs to be done to commemorate the service of those who have died in the performance of their duties, but not throughout the entire year. They have a DUTY to the PUBLIC. I also want to point out that THERE ARE GOOD PEOPLE in the FBOP, too. I want to make that CRYSTAL CLEAR so there are NO misunderstandings from the FBOP or the public. I believe in being fair. Something HAS TO BE DONE IMMEDIATELY to tackle this crisis in the FBOP, for the good of ALL. Therefore, I am continuing my duty as a United States Marine and providing the following information.
Here is the information I am writing to you about. I am delivering it into your hands TO HELP the inmates (people) and their families, friends, and communities who are affected by the issues outlined above and others that affect their physical and mental health and well-being. I am asking that you distribute this information and put it into the hands of those that NEED IT NOW and for preventative/deterrent purposes for the future. If we WANT CHANGE, we HAVE TO BE THE CHANGE, and I WILL NOT STOP until it CHANGES!!!
Please go to fox.com and see their story dated August 24, 2022, about THIS prison (FCC Victorville)
KTVU Fox 2 Television
Oakland, California
Lisa Fernandez
(510) 874-0139
I am including the following resources (to give everyone a greater chance of resolving their issues adequately):
Office of Internal Affairs
Federal Bureau of Prisons
320 First Street NW
Suite 600
Washington, DC 20530
(202) 307-3286
(202) 514-8625 (Fax)
Mr. Michael Horowitz
Office of Inspector General
US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20530
(800) 869-4499
(202) 616-0646
oig@usdoj.gov or michael.e.horowitz@usdoj.gov
Honorable John Ossoff (Author of the recently enacted Federal Prison Oversight Act)
303 Hart Building
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-3521
The Honorable Joseph Biden (or name of next president)
President of the United States of America
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Respectfully submitted to change the prison system and the world community for the better,
Joseph R. Mays, 43487-007
FCI Victorville II Medium
PO BOX 3850
Adelanto, CA 92301
United States Marine Corps, 1982-1990
- Celebrating a Life and Presidential Inauguration
- What About Unknown Innocence
- Happy Thanksgiving-2024
- No GOOD in GOODWILL by Wayne T. Dowdy
- Happy Veterans Day
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(Complimentary Post due to his confinement and inability to access the Internet)
MICHAEL TODD ROZZELLE on 9/8/2024 5:51:31 PM wrote
I was housed at Victorville-II before asking for a transfer to the Southeast Region. It was the first medium I was sent to after being confined at the Penitentiary next door for the previous years and at the medium, it was “more” dangerous than the pen. I even saw the Warden get stabbed there and it was a really violent place that stayed on LD. This was why I asked to get out of there or I would file on administration.
Michael Rozzelle, a person in adult custody since 1992